English in the International Classroom (EIC)
This is where you will find all the assignments I've done for my EIC class in S1Q1.
Click on the name of the assignment to jump right over to that assignment.
Have fun exploring my portfolio!
Reflection on proficiency
Assignment: Write a 200-word reflection of your own proficiency (first completing an online vocabulary test and then using the CEFR self-assessment grid).
I would view my English proficiency as quite well considering the standard that a 20-year-old Turkish/Dutch girl in my situation would have. When I am talking to native English speakers and other speakers of English as a second (or third) language, I can clearly express myself and connect with others even though we do not share the same mother tongue. I did not learn most of my English skills in school, but rather through movies and tv shows. So naturally, the English I picked up initially was the English spoken in those (American) shows and movies. In secundary school I followed all the English classes with ease and joy. Going through the assessment grid, I definitely see the opportunity for me to learn and grow more, but I also acknowledge how far I have come already. My goal is to eventually be able to speak and think in English as a native speaker.
Article on language in the classroom and Modes of explanations
Assignment 1: Read the 3 or more articles on blackboard about importance of language in different subject fields. Create a word cloud / mind map about the use of language in your subject field. Write an article (400-500 words) about language use in the international classroom. The article should be informal (like the examples) and the target audience is (student-) teachers.
Assignment 2: Choose one item from the game (I chose 'Spice Girls') and come up with 3 different modes of explaining it.
For better accessibility, I have attached the Word-documents of these assignments so you can optimally view them. Click on the links below to start downloading.
Written instructions and writing graded language
Assignment 1: Design a 5-minute activity and write down clear, step-by-step instructions, including a variety of comprehension check questions.
For this assignment I designed an activity for learning the American Sign Language (ASL) Alphabet. Click on the link to download this assignment.
Assignment 2: Write an explanation about one of the concepts you have learned about during your classes, aimed at your peers. Use an academic style (300 words). Then rewrite the explanation, using graded language, for an intermediate level.
For this assignment I explained how to use the Kinemaster app for video-making. This is one of the workshops we could follow during our DBE-Lab. Click on the link to download this assignment.
Summary of article
Assignment: Read the article 'The importance of instructional scaffolding', underlining key words and phrases. Write a 150 word summary.
The theory of Lev Vygotsky states that cognition is developed through social interaction and by engagement with fellow students. The Zone of Proximal Development resembles the difference between what students can do independently and what they can complete with support or scaffolding. The ZPD is initiated when content is taught just outside of the student's current skill and knowledge level. The optimal way of reaching independence is by providing the students with enough scaffolding while also giving the students the space to think individually. The “I Do, We Do, You Do” framework refers to the way a student learns most effectively. In the “I Do” part, the teacher does 90% of the work and the student 10%, “We Do” involves more scaffolding that balances leading instruction with more group-work or a guided practice and “You Do” is where students do the most of the work.
(145 words)
Academic discussion and CLIL activity
Assignment 1: Go through the course materials, PowerPoints and your notes. Choose 2 or 3 topics. Record an academic discussion (5 minutes) with a peer about the topics.
Here is the link to our academic discussion.
Assignment 2: Choose one of the CLIL activities (I chose 'Graphic Organizer') and prepare the activity for a lesson. Consider the subject matter, language focus and content focus of the activity. In addition, write a brief justification (200-300 words) explaining your choices.
For this assignment we had to make a CLIL activity and then later better it while using the feedback we have received in class. In order for you to see my development in designing this activity, I have included both versions of this activity.
Explanation, language scaffold and home languages in the classroom
For these final tasks of EIC, I chose to first explain the Black Death in two different levels. Second, I answered the question of "Will you allow the use of home languages in your classroom?", and lastly I summarised a video on the battle between David and Goliath and created a language scaffold for understanding this video.
The link below will lead you to the document that contains all assignments.